
Take risks in giving. Support the individuals who need it the most and remove barriers standing in the way of their pursuit for happiness, personal fulfillment and success. Let’s change the tide.

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Highlighted projects.

  • Using youth powered design to reduce unintended pregnancies in Vietnam.

    Vietnam ranked in the top 10 highest GDP growth countries in 2020, making it one of the most dynamic acceleration markets in the world. Despite economic gains and myriad professional and educational opportunities, the dark secret is that Vietnamese experience one of the highest abortion rates in the world, an average of 2.5 per female of child-bearing age. This 3-year project utilizes user-centered design to pilot effective family planning solutions by and for Vietnamese youth with the intention of scale.

  • Afghan Female Activist Rescue Mission

    In response to the rapid Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, the Vital Voices Global Partnership identified a short list of 200 female women activists in need of immediate evacuation to escape Taliban targeting. In close collaboration with Amed Khan leading the on the ground coordination effort, International human rights activist, Zainab Salbi, former Hillary Clinton Chief of Staff Melanne Verveer and others, private funds were used to charter private planes to evacuate many of these women and their families into transitional countries. I spearheaded a campaign to raise immediate, trust-based philanthropy to finance the effort. The campaign went viral, raising over $7M in a span of 10 days, a showcase of the true power of collective giving and female camaraderie. The efforts are ongoing as of September, 2021.

  • Lighting Every Birth in Zimbabwe

    We Care Solar is on a mission to “light every birth” by systematically addressing electricity needs in last-mile health clinics that serve women in maternity and delivery care. Globally, 300,000 women lose their lives from complications of pregnancy and childbirth and hundreds of thousands of health facilities lack reliable electricity, compounding the crisis. This specific “Luminary Circle” project addresses the need in Zimbabwe, providing proprietary solar suitcases designed to provide solar electricity and specific delivery related instruments to 70 different clinics providing value to a total catchment population of over 900,000. The installations further support women by providing local opportunities to install and manage maintenance of the solar suitcases for pay.


Please visit the Marks Family Foundation homepage to view an overview of core giving areas and a sampling of past and present grantees.